Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Rare Beauty

I picked the Western Painted turtles because they are cool and colourful. The painted turtles live in habitats such as ponds, marshes, small lakes, ditches and sluggish streams that usually have muddy bottoms and lots of aquatic plants. These turtles usually live in areas from southern BC to Nova Scotia, and all the way south to Kansas, Louisiana and Georgia. The risks to these endangered species are that they require- wetlands and ponds for hiding and foraging. This habitat is found in very few places within their range because of construction. Deterioration and destruction of their habitat, through pollution, waterway interference and urbanization, is their major threat. The habitats for the Western Painted turtles are usually modified to fit human needs and not theirs. I don't want to see these turtles disappear from the earth forever because of us. Changes we can make are protecting where they live. Taking their homes away from them, prevents the turtles from reproducing. We also need to avoid disturbing them or their habitats. We need to restore their habitats and remove their predators from these areas. I learned that Western Painted turtles are cool by going to a bible camp called SYC and kayaking in the Gardom Lake with my friends. We found turtles swimming in the lake; it was so much fun! I LOVE WESTERN PAINTED TURTLES! There are only 49 different painted turtle species and only 800 to 900 painted turtles estimated left.

Savannah, Grade 9

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