Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just Think

The animal that I chose is a Barn Owl. The barn owl in BC is in grave danger. Its food supply is being killed off by pesticides and its home is being destroyed ( Many people say that the eyes are the doorway to the soul. This is why I made the eyes on my owl powerful. I want people to realize what this animal has experience - has a soul. In my art, I made some words more prominent than others: "think", "life", "food", "home", and "saved". These words outline what is most important to the barn owl and they are intended to make us think. "Saved" is my favourite word. It means there is a chance, not only for the Barn Owl to survive, but for other endangered species too. I can only hope that in the future this beautiful species will be all around us. Just think about how we will be affected when our native species are no longer with us.

Gabie, Grade 10

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spirit Bear Facing Extinction

In my artwork, the spirit bear depicted has its four paws submerged in oil. The spirit bears are greatly threatened by a proposal to make a pipeline across their coast. Behind the spirit bear are several tall buildings, this is to show that we are taking over their home and logging their habitat for our own selfish reasons. I hope people understand that these beautiful bears and other mystical animals must be protected and we must take action or we may never see these creatures again. Spirit bears live solely on the coast of British Columbia and are known for their unique white coat. If we continue to pillage and log this coast, we will wipe out the salmon, the spirit bears source of food, and will be taking their ideal hibernating and denning habitat. This animal faces extinction if we do not stop logging this coast or using it for our selfish wants. Legislation could improve their situation by making laws to protect this coast and the small population (200) of spirit bears left in the world. I would like to see the endangered animals of BC living in harmony with us. We need to respect and care for these animals, not rob them of their lives. I have learnt from this process that we can take action and we must do something to save these fast dying numbers of endangered species.

Heather, Grade 9

Monday, February 27, 2012


In my painting, you see a bird flying, and in the background, there are blotches of colour. The colour represents all the pollution that the bird can't ever fly away from. I chose to paint the Red Knot because it is one of the species that isn't super extravagant or attention demanding. The species that are more in the background are the ones that are more likely to go extinct because no one is overly concerned about them. I think we need to raise awareness about endangered species in BC, because whatever humans do will affect the lives of those animals.

Jillian, Grade 10